Introducing Susan Bozzola
The Virtual Typist
Quality and Integrity Driven
Virtual Assistant Services

Need admin help but don't know where to start!
Only need a few hours a week or month.
Are you drowning in paperwork and unanswered phone messages?
Deadlines looming, no light at the end of the tunnel.
Don't have the time or resources for recruitment.
Solution! I'm a Virtual Assistant. I can do all the tasks that take up loads of your time. Simple things like:
organise and reply to emails
arrange that all important meetings so people stop bugging you
type that letter that needed to go 2 days ago
transcribe those meeting minutes that you haven't been able to get to all week, as well as get the action plan happening
proof read and edit that management report that was due yesterday
I'm here when you need me, and I'll get people off your back!
Don't wait - contact me for an obligation free chat.